Falling delivers one level of damage per 10 feet fallen. Additional damage may apply, depending on the surface being fallen upon (spikes, rocks, a raging fire, etc.). Depending on the circumstances, the GM may require a roll to avoid broken bones and other injuries. Mundane armor does not apply to falling damage, but supernatural armor does.
Terminal velocity is reached after falling about 1,500 feet. Thus, terminal velocity generally is not relevant for game purposes.
Characters can hold their breath for double their Physique in minutes. This assumes no strenuous activity. Characters then suffer 1 level of damage every 2 turns until they drop to Terminal, at which point they must make Physique checks as normal to avoid dropping to Mortal.
Fire and Electricity
The following table gives damage per turn from electricity.
Damage Per Turn | Electrical Source |
One level | Minor; e.g., wall socket |
Two levels | Major; e.g., protective fence |
Three levels | Severe; e.g., vehicle battery, junction box |
Four levels | Fatal; e.g., main feed line, subway rail |
The following table gives damage per turn from fire.
Damage Per Turn | Size of Fire |
One level | A part of the body is exposed to flame; e.g., a torch |
Two levels | Half of the body is exposed to flame; e.g., a typical bonfire |
Three levels | Entire body is engulfed in flame; e.g., a raging inferno |
Note that it is sometimes appropriate to double exposure damage from fire. Being trapped inside a furnace would be one example of such a situation.
Poison and Disease
Poisons, toxins, diseases, radiation, and the like have a Severity Level from 1 to 5 if they are mundane, or as high as 9 if they are supernatural or Black Tech. They also have an Onset Time. Damage first occurs after the Onset Time and is repeated periodically. A Physique roll is made when first exposed and can slow the recurring damage. Damage occurs again after an amount of time equal to the Onset Time x 2 x the outcome of the Physique roll (if positive). This is repeated until the subject dies or no longer suffers from the condition causing the damage.
The victim’s Wound Level cannot exceed the Toxicity rating (unless the victim suffers other injuries).
Severity: 5; Onset Time: 10 minutes; Toxicity: Mortal
Bob is poisoned with strychnine. He rolls Physique and gets an outcome of 1. He suffers 5 levels of damage 10 minutes after exposure. He then suffers another 5 levels of damage every 20 minutes (Onset Time of 10 minutes x 2 x his Physique roll of 1 = 20) until he is cured or reaches the Wound Level indicated by the Toxicity — in this case, Mortal. If his Physique roll had been a 3, then he would suffer 5 levels of damage every 60 minutes (Onset Time of 10 minutes x 2 x his Physique roll of 3 = 60). If his Physique roll had been a 0 or a negative number, it would have been treated as a 1.
Nonlethal poisons and diseases have a lower Toxicity. For example, the common cold has a Toxicity of Light. Tranquillizers have an upper limit on how much effect they can have within the specified time frame unless they have a significant lethal factor.
In most cases, the Medicine skill cannot be used unless appropriate medical supplies are available. Even then, it is limited in effectiveness by the available supplies. If damage is cured but the underlying condition remains, damage resumes once the Wound Level (not including other injuries) drops below the Toxicity.
Climactic Conditions
Extreme temperatures and adverse climactic conditions use the mechanic for poison and disease. Climactic conditions should be rated in Severity from 1 to 5 (adjusted for protective gear), or as high as 9 for supernatural or extraterrestrial conditions.