Roll four Fudge dice (also known as Fate dice); this will generate a result between -4 and 4. A result of 4 indicates a critical success, while a result of -4 indicates a critical failure.
A critical failure indicates automatic failure, regardless of difficulty. Critical success indicates automatic success, regardless of difficulty, with the exception of offensive rolls (such as attacks and attempts to ambush). A critical success always indicates automatic success on defensive rolls such as dodging.
In offensive rolls, and whenever the degree of success matters, a critical success is treated as a result of 5. In other circumstances, the GM adjudicates the outcome of a critical success.
Keep in mind that you may not make a roll unless the GM rules that you have a chance of success. For example, if you aren’t a trained brain surgeon, then you have no chance of performing successful brain surgery no matter what you roll.
To use a skill, roll and determine the result, then add your skill bonus. If the skill check is not opposed, then you need a result equal to or greater than the difficulty assigned by the GM. A high difficulty would be a required outcome of 6.
If the skill check is opposed (as is often the case), you must subtract your opponent's outcome. If the final result is positive, you are successful; the higher the result, the greater the degree of success.
Numerous situational modifiers may apply. These usually provide a bonus or penalty no greater than 3. If the modifier is greater than 3, then the attempt is typically an automatic success or failure.
Example: Bob attempts to sneak up behind John. Bob rolls and gets an outcome of 1. He has a skill bonus of +3 for stealth, giving him a total of 4. John rolls to determine whether he notices Bob, and gets an outcome of 0. He has a skill bonus of +3 for perception, giving him a total of 3. John's result of 3 is subtracted from Bob's result of 4, leaving Bob with a 1. Bob is successful. In this case, the degree of success doesn't matter; John either notices Bob or he doesn't. When Bob shoots John from behind, John is surprised and is unable to dodge.
Working Together
If the GM rules that it is possible to work together productively, then each participant rolls and uses the bonus of the most skilled participant. The GM will determine how many people can work together effectively on a particular task. In some cases, participants must have a particular skill at a particular level in order to be helpful.
Example: John, Bill, and Alice work together to research the ownership of a corporation. Bill has Professional Hacking, while John and Alice have Amateur Hacking. All three of them roll using Bill’s bonus of +3, and the highest outcome determines how much they learn.