Shapeshifting Powers


Tier: Novice (upgradeable to Veteran)
Type: Active
Duration: Skill modifier in hours

You can alter your physical appearance (including your voice and scent), and, with Catalog, can “remember” the specified number of faces.

At the Novice level, your mass must remain approximately the same, and you cannot mimic the appearance of a particular person. As this is not a true shapeshift, you cannot alter your species or gender, though you can alter your race and ethnicity, along with height, weight, skin color, and the like.

At the Seasoned level, you are able to alter your species and gender, as well as height, weight, and mass. However, you remain humanoid and approximately human-sized, and you cannot mimic the appearance of a particular person.

Possible Enhancements: Concealed, Delayed, Triggered, Biometrics, Catalog, Chew Anything, Contortion, Digestion, Nourishment, Mimic (Veteran or above)

Possible Flaw: You may eventually begin making mistakes and becoming unstable. Insanity would be a possibility – though this would not render you unplayable. For example, you might acquire so many identities that they begin to blur together and "bleed over" into each other; you could eventually lose your own identity altogether.

Note: Investing any Gift in Shapeshifter after reaching Seasoned upgrades it to Seasoned. Taking the Mimic Enhancement upgrades it to Veteran.

Corpse Sculpting

Tier: Novice (upgradeable to Seasoned)
Type: Active
Range: Touch
Duration: Skill modifier in hours

You can mold a dead body to mimic the appearance of a specific person. You must be quite familiar with the appearance of the person to be mimicked, and the corpse must already bear considerable resemblance to that person. You cannot alter the corpse's DNA.

At the Novice level, the body's mass must remain approximately the same; you cannot change height or weight significantly. Nor can you change race, ethnicity, or gender.

At the Seasoned level, you are able to alter the corpse's race and ethnicity, and even species and gender, as well as height, weight, and mass. However, the corpse must remain humanoid and approximately human-sized.

Possible Enhancements: Concealed, Delayed, Triggered, Biometrics (can read fingerprints, pulse, respiration by touch), Seismic, Tactile Filtering

Note: Investing any Gift in this Power after reaching Seasoned upgrades it to Seasoned.

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