Duties of the Cell Leader
Name your Cell: This can be as bland or evocative as desired, from “Portland Cell” to “Knights of the Rose.” This handle will help maintain the identity of your specific cell.
Paradigm: Most cells default to the Standard Paradigm: essentially a Modern setting where the only unusual qualities are products of the Contracts themselves. However, a cell may devise any setting desired without difficulty (Post-Apocalypse, Prehistoric, Lovecraftian, etc). Crossover from a Standard to Exotic Cell (or vice versa) is handled normally, which may be very shocking to Contractors.
Guidelines: The Cell Leader should make a list of any House Rules or Game Limits the cell's Harbinger or Harbingers may have set. Guest GM's will be expected to adhere to these Guidelines when running Contracts in that cell.
Records: The Cell Leader will record the name, date, players, characters, deaths, victories, and Gifts and Resolve Points awarded for any Contract run in their cell. These will be posted on the website.
Adjudication: The Cell Leader is the final law concerning any results happening in their cell. They can refuse access, add or remove elements, or expand Side Games and plots as desired.