The first step in creating a character is coming up with your Concept. Your Concept encompasses your background, personality, skills, likes and dislikes – everything about you. In essence, it's who you are.
Over time, your character will acquire supernatural powers suitable to your Concept. Thus, Concept also includes the types of powers you will receive and how they will work. However, new players can consider this after they begin receiving powers; it doesn't need to be addressed immediately.
Generally if you are looking for specific rewards for your character, you should make note of these goals to your GM and ideally reflect them on your character sheet in some manner.
Keep in mind that you begin as a normal human, with no special powers. It is possible to play a troll, for example, but you would not begin as a troll; you would transform into one after acquiring one or more Gifts.
Each character must have a reason for undertaking Contracts at great risk to life and limb – an Ambition.
Your Ambition could be anything. Perhaps you want to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, or avenge a perceived wrong, or take over the world, or write the great American novel. It doesn't matter what it is as long as you're willing to risk your life for it – not just once but repeatedly.
Determining your Ambition is the most critical element in detailing your character. As a potential Contractor, your Ambition should be infinite in depth, and zealously pursued. If your character would not be willing to face down a biker gang for even a marginal step towards your Ambition, you're not trying hard enough.
Starting Skills
Characters begin with 25 Resolve Points. All of these must be spent during character creation; none can be saved. The cost of skills during character creation is the same as for advancement.
If you don't want to calculate points, you may begin with two Professional, three Competent, and four Amateur skills. This costs exactly 25 points. Alternately, you may use this method for most of your skills and then spend the remaining points as desired. For example, you could take two Professional, three Competent, and two Amateur skills and then spend the remaining 2 points to boost one Amateur skill to Competent.
In addition, characters begin with their native Culture at Professional level, at no cost.
You should maintain a detailed equipment list. While some GM's are easy on this, the going rule is:
If you don't have it written down, you don't have it.
Your character's background should give you an idea of what is reasonable for you to start with.