Mundane armor worn provides from 1 to 6 Armor Points.
Armor worn stacks with integral armor.
The following table applies to mundane armor worn, but not to integral armor or to supernatural armor.
Armor Points | Armor Penalty | Concealability |
1 | 0 | easily concealed |
2 | -1 | very difficult to conceal |
3 | -1 | obvious |
4 | -2 | extremely obvious |
5 | -2 | extremely obvious |
6 | Special | extremely obvious |
Armor Penalties apply to all actions which require any degree of movement. They do not apply to standing still and shooting a gun or crossbow, but do apply to firing while moving, as well as to melee and unarmed attacks (which require arm movement).
Additional penalties my apply in certain circumstances, and certain actions (such as swimming) may not be possible in certain types of armor. Removing armor takes time; it may not be possible to remove it quickly enough to prevent you from drowning.
Armor in a modern setting is as follows.
With 6 Armor Points, you are wearing a bomb suit. You cannot dodge, run, swim, or take any other action which requires flexibility, and can only move slowly and ponderously.
5 Armor Points represents full-body ballistic armor or riot gear. While wearing it, you cannot swim.
4 Armor Points represents Type IV military body armor (ballistic armor). It includes a helmet but does not cover the arms or legs.
3 Armor Points represents a Type III heavy vest (ballistic armor), with helmet. It is typically used by law enforcement when armed confrontations are expected.
2 Armor Points represents a Type II kevlar vest or flak jacket. It is worn full-time by many law-enforcement officers.
1 Armor Point represents armored clothing, possibly made of kevlar. It is sometimes worn by civilians in areas with high levels of violence.
Armor in a medieval setting is as follows.
6 Armor Points represents plate armor or plate mail. While wearing it, you cannot swim, use stealth, or take any other action which requires flexibility.
5 Armor Points represents half plate armor; splint armor; or banded mail. While wearing it, you cannot swim or use stealth.
4 Armor Points represents heavy chain mail. While wearing it, you cannot use stealth.
3 Armor Points represents scale mail; light chain mail; or a breastplate (worn with steel greaves and soft leather armor). While wearing it, you have a -3 penalty to stealth (but this does not stack with the Armor Penalty).
2 Armor Points represents ring mail or rigid leather armor.
1 Armor Point represents soft leather armor.
Concealability of Weapons and Armor
In most societies, wearing or carrying weapons or armor openly is considered a breach of etiquette, and may attract the attention of law enforcement.
1 point of armor represents kevlar clothing (whether outer clothes or inner clothes such as long underwear) and is generally assumed to be concealed. Armored long underwear is unlikely to be noticed by even the most astute observers.
Anything more than 1 point of armor is assumed to be noticed unless the wearer takes special precautions, which need to be discussed with the GM.
Concealed weapons are likely to be noticed by astute observers unless the wearer takes special precautions. Such precautions need to be discussed with the GM.
Drawing a concealed weapon requires an action.
Weapons stored in bags or backpacks are unlikely to be noticed in most cases (though the bag or pack certainly will be).
Weapons carried in deep concealment holsters/sheaths are unlikely to be noticed. Such arrangements must always be specially noted on the equipment list. Such weapons are significantly more difficult to draw than weapons which are merely concealed. A weapon in deep concealment can be drawn in 1 round without a roll if no other action is taken. When taking other actions (such as attacking), drawing a weapon in deep concealment typically incurs a -1 penalty (in addition for the penalty for multiple actions); however, there may be certain exceptions, such as spring-loaded weapons in special sheaths.
Contractors are assumed to scrutinize each other carefully when they meet (whether at the beginning of a Contract or in other circumstances). It is always appropriate to provide character descriptions, even if the Contractors are already acquainted. Gear carried or worn should be mentioned. Anyone wearing more than 1 point of armor should mention this fact; 1 armor point need not be mentioned. Weapons which are merely concealed should be mentioned without any need for a perception check, but weapons in deep concealment need not be disclosed. It may or may not be necessary to mention Items received as Gifts, depending on the nature of the Item.